Monday, June 18, 2007

You'll never guess! Nope, NEW BOOKS!

I bought:
  • Hana-Kimi #18 by Hisaya Nakajo

I love Hana-Kimi. I hope it goes on forever. But I know it won't. :(

I mooched:

  • The Drag King Anthology edited by Troka, Lebesco, & Noble

I borrowed this from MelCat, but didn't get to read it all. It was pretty cool. Yes, I find myself fascinated by drag kings and queens and other gender non-conformists. You knew that, didn't you?

AND I got this zine with the book I mooched:

  • shortandqueer #6

Which I am SO psyched about! I love zines! Especially queer zines! I'm so excited. I didn't even ASK for it. Yay, BONUS!!!

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