Saturday, June 9, 2007

Temporarily delayed and...NEW BOOKS!

I gave up on The Meaning of Wife but only temporarily. It's a REALLY fascinating book and I like it a lot, but it's dense. I don't know how else to describe it. I haven't read any part of it in ages, so I figured, I'll just take it back to the library. There's no reason to hoarde it. I'll just get it out later. I did the same thing with College Girls a couple months ago. I'll get back to them, b/c they are both interesting books that I want to read.

In other news, what I got today:
  • Spike: Asylum

Yay! BtVS spinoff thingies. And this one looks awesome. PLUS, I had earned $5 in Borders money and had a 20% off coupon, so the $20 book cost me only a little over $11. Sweet.

  • Click #1 by Youngran Lee

I know, just what I need, another manga/manhwa series to read, but it looks really interesting! I'll add it to the pile of other new manga series that I've bought and not read yet. :(

  • Good-bye, Chunky Rice by Craig Thompson

Oh, I love this book. That's why I had to get it. I love Chunky Rice, he's so cute and he goes away and his mouse friend is so sad... You must read this book.

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