Friday, June 15, 2007

New books, new books!

I mooched:
  • Agents of Light and Darkness by Simon R. Green

The second in that Nightside series by the guy who's supposed to be similar to Jim Butcher & Laurell K Hamilton.

I paperbackswapped:

  • Gilmore Girls: The Other Side of Summer by Helen Pai

Yes, yes...teen-y books based on TV shows. I know. But I watched the 6th season of Gilmore Girls recently and remembered how much I love GG and I saw the books and thought...hmm, maybe another way to get my GG fix? I have a couple more on the way!

I bought:

  • A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer edited by Eve Ensler & Mollie Doyle

Yay, Eve! It's a series of writings from others that they presented at the "Until the Violence Stops" festival in NY. I'm hoping it's interesting. :) I'm sure it is. Ahhh...I miss working on "The Vagina Monologues"...

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