Tuesday, June 5, 2007

And still more...

In the mail:
  • Little Vampire Goes to School by Joann Sfar

Joann Sfar is so cool. Read all his books. My favorite line from Little Vampire Goes to School? Little Vampire says "I should bring a present for the teacher," and his friend the monster says "Poop is always sure to please." Hee hee hee.

  • Underwear Do's and Don'ts by Todd Parr

Todd Parr's books rock...they're so colorful and fun and silly. And how could you not love a book about underwear? Yeah, yeah, I like kids books. And potty humor. There are worse things to like.

  • Domiknitrix: Whip Your Knitting Into Shape by Jennifer Stafford

I don't think I should go into why I'm so excited about this book...

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