Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Summer Reading Program--GO!

Okay, not go until Friday, but... I signed up for the A2 Summer Reading Program. Have I mentioned how much I love summer reading programs? I LOVE summer reading programs! It makes me feel like a kid again. :)

I only have to read 5 books by August 10th. *snorts* Like that's going to be hard. I will even make them ADULT books. Oooh... *laughs*

If only they had cooler prizes. If I read my 5 books, I'll get a coupon for a free loaf of bread at the Great Harvest Bread Company. Cool, but the same as last year. There's a grand prize drawing too, but I'm unlikely to win anything b/c I'm an employee. Blah.

The summer before I started this job at UM, I did the summer reading program at the Loutit Library in Grand Haven. It was awesome. There was a theme and you had to read six books, I think, and they had to be from certain categories. It was cool and fun! That's how I discovered Janet Evanovich's mysteries--b/c I had to read a mystery for the program! Pretty freaking sweet.

But Ann Arbor is lame and boring... *sighs* Oh well. It's still fun. :)

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