Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I LOVE pre-ordering books!

I do, I do, I do! B/c you get them happily in the mail some date later than expected and you're like "Oh, look! It's one of my favorite author's new book!" It's like a present. Except you have to pay for it, but if you order it early enough, you don't even remember paying for it!

On that note, I got these in the mail today, but I preordered them AGES ago:
  • The Harlequin by Laurell K. Hamilton

Okay, I love Laurell K. Hamilton. I really do. But she's getting a little too sex-obsessed. I still like her books, I just miss the years when she was squeamish about writing sex scenes. And I'm behind on the Anita Blake series. I have to read Micah AND Danse Macabre before I can read this. The library and its tantalizing offer of books has been too much for me and I've fallen behind on my favorite authors. *sighs*

  • For a Few Demons More by Kim Harrison

Yep, behind with Kim Harrison too. I have to read A Fistful of Charms first. I better get my ass in gear b/c a new Janet Evanovich is coming out AND the last HP.

I also got Enchantment by Orson Scott Card today. I ordered it from PaperbackSwap. Sarah says it's one of her favorite books. And she recommended Ender's Game to me, which I loved, so I thought I'd give it a try. :)

So many books, so little time. Or...maybe I should stop getting so many books from the library. Hmmm....

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