Thursday, July 5, 2007

Summer Reading Game update 2 (or technically 3)

I have read so far:
  1. Undead and Uneasy by MaryJanice Davidson
  2. Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys edited by Melissa de la Cruz & Tom Dolby
  3. Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich
  4. ??
  5. ??

Lean Mean Thirteen and Undead and Uneasy feel like cheating...I guess b/c they are really easy reads (but still pretty entertaining). Oh well. I suspect I will have A Long Way Gone to add to this list soon. I don't know what my fifth book will be. Hmmm...I give myself another 2 weeks and I'll be done. :)

Also, the manga marathon worked well! I ended up reading 11 manga in 24 hours. :) I'd have read more if I wasn't reading the Negima! books--they tend to take longer to read, I think because there's so much dialogue and such detailed pictures. Lots of panty shots, you know, and one must take time to appreciate them. HA! Just kidding (but not about there being lots of panty shots).

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