Friday, July 27, 2007

Books & Comics!

Well, I was going to take myself out on a date tonight--dinner and a movie. But I wasn't feeling well, so I settled on dinner and books. :)

Today, I treated myself to:
  • Little Butterfly #2 by Hinako Takanaga

And comic books:

  • Deepak Chopra Presents India Authentic: Kali
  • Runaways #25, #26, & #27

Um, hello, Joss Whedon wrote them! How as I NOT getting them?

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #5

I really ought to start reading these b/c they look amazing. The comic book lady (who is SO COOL!) said that Buffy is their biggest selling comic EVER! We were talking about how cool Joss Whedon is and that he should do more Serenity comics. *nods* She says she thinks if he does more Serenity comics, they will sell as well if not better than the Buffys. Amazing. There, a bit of comic book geekdom for you. :)

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