Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yay Comics!

I stopped by Vault of Midnight to get my new comics & manga b/c I had seen the new Fruits Basket at Borders, so I figured they'd have it too. No such luck. :( No new comics or manga for me.

However, I did have an epiphany last night: Y: The Last Man must still be in comic form (which I did confirm later) b/c it's still coming out in the graphic novels pretty regularly. SO I put that on my subscription list and bought the next issue. SWEET! No more waiting for the graphic novels. YES!! I love Y: The Last Man. If you haven't read it, read it. It's very intriguing.

I suppose to make up for not getting comics at Vault, I got some in the mail. :) The order I placed for the nearly impossible to find #2 Anita Blake and some New Mutants I didn't have came in. YAY!! Boy, they wrap those fuckers up tight. I guess it's good--no one wants bent comics...

Woo hoo! Comics, comics, everywhere I look! Too bad I have a million Angel Sanctuarys to read before the middle of the month (when they're due at the library) plus a zillion other books. I'll read them when my library stash goes down some.

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