Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lilith Saintcrow

I picked up Working for the Devil by Lilith Saintcrow b/c I was intrigued by the main character, Dante--strong woman fighting supernatural baddies--just what I like. I really enjoyed it and I went through it quickly. I've got her second book, Dead Man Rising on my shelf, but have been swimming in my library books and haven't gotten to it yet (yet another problem with my giant library list and my tendency to hoard--no time for the books I have and REALLY want to read).

I was searching around and found some older books she's written, the first being Dark Watcher. I got it from ILL, not sure if I was going to like it--it looked a little romancey. But what a surprise! I loved it. It was intriguing (and short, which is a bonus these days). It seems Ms. Saintcrow has some sort of pagany history, b/c she did a pretty cool job of implementing witchy elements into her story. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to read the next one. It's always a nice surprise when someone includes Wicca and Wicca-related symbols and concepts into fiction. YAY! :) Here's hoping that Storm Watcher becomes available soon.

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