Sunday, May 6, 2007

Packing for vacation

All right. I'm trying to pack books for vacation. This is always a problem b/c I ALWAYS bring too many. But as I'm sifting through, I'm thinking, well, what if I don't like this one or what if I won't be in the mood for a fantasy book or a kid's book or a graphic novel? So I end up bringing tons. Also, there's always the possibility that I won't have much time to read. But...I'm going on vacation alone. And while I don't usually have any problems going to dinner or movies or whatever alone, sometimes I'd rather not be alone in public, you know? So I read. In my hotel room. :)

Here's the list that I think I'm bringing:
  • The Naming by Alison Croggon (I HAVE to finish this! I've had it forever and it's good)
  • Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction
  • Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction
  • Nietzsche: A Very Short Introduction
  • Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction
  • Egyptian Myth: A Very Short Introduction
  • Strangers In Paradise Pocket Book 3 by Terry Moore
  • The Crow by J. O'Barr
  • Shiva's Fire by Suzanne Fisher Staples
  • Rat by Jonathan Burt
  • Book Lust by Nancy Pearl
  • The Fire Within by Chris D'Lacey
  • Winkie by Clifford Chase
  • Cupcake by Rachel Cohn

The Very Short Introductions are this series I found from Oxford Press that is exactly what it says. They look interesting and they're little. I'll let you know how they are. :)

A couple of graphic novels, a couple of kids' books, a couple of teen books, an adult book (that'd be Winkie actually), and a couple non fiction. That should cover me!

Besides, if I don't like anything I've got to read, I can always buy something...right?

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