Sunday, May 13, 2007

MSU Special Collections

I didn't spend the whole day in the library like I thought. One, because I left Whitmore Lake too late, two, because I had lunch with LaVera. But that was okay b/c there weren't as many books I wanted to look at as I thought. It seems the libraries in Michigan are increasing their manga collections. YAY! :)

I ended up getting a community user library card, which is cool. And I headed down to the little Special Collections room. The lady (and later gentleman) who helped me was VERY nice. I told her it was my first time using Special Collections and she said that was okay. You can't take things outside of the room, so I had to sit in there and read what I got out. I felt kind of silly, but it was cool.

I read the first volume of Crossroad, which was pretty interesting. No one in the Mel system has any other volumes, so I may resort to buying it. I also read Sensual Phrase, the first two volumes, which I requested for the A2 library to get and they will in the new fiscal year. It was pretty interesting--bizarre, but good. I'll wait for our library to get it.

I also finally looked at Sex by Madonna. Okay, so it was a big deal when I was in high school, everyone was talking about it. I was curious. Everyone was so offended by the photos she included. So, I sat in that little Special Collections room, with this older gentleman with a long white beard and glasses (he did look kinda like Santa) sitting not 20 feet from me, and looked at all these erotic photos and read these erotic letters and stories. I felt so naughty, but defiant at the same time. It was cool as hell! *laughs* The book was all right. I can see why everyone was freaking out about it, but it really wasn't that racy. Some of the pictures were lovely. Some were lame. I guess what made it so special was that Madonna did it.

So, that was my trip to the MSU Library. :)

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