Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Acquiring and abandoning books

Books I've acquired today:
  • Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara

Bookmooched--I finally beat the other people to a mooch! Bookmooch is cool, but I'm usually never fast enough!

  • Fables: The Last Castle by Bill Willingham

From Vault of Midnight. It's prequel to the Fable series! I've never seen it before. It's a tiny little thing, but I can't wait to read it!

Book I abandoned today:

  • Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction

I've always been somewhat confused by postmodernism, but very intrigued. The theories derived from postmodern thought in psychology are vastly interesting and useful, in my opinion. But damn was this book boring. I found myself glazing over. I read a bit, enough to confirm that perhaps I knew a bit more about postmodernism than I thought. I have a bunch of these Very Short Introductions that I got from MelCat and I can't afford to waste time on ones I can't get through. So I'm abandoning it. I moved on to The Koran: A Very Short Introduction is much more interesting.

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