Monday, May 21, 2007

Ann Arbor Book Festival

I sadly did not get to go for long on Saturday b/c I had to work. But it was still fun! I looked around at the different booths, bought some books from the $5 book guy, got some info and cool pins from the ACLU booth... I only managed to go to 16 places on the scavenger hunt (not 25 so I could be in the grand prize drawing). But that 16 got me a t-shirt, a book, some candy, and some sweet coupons (Brueggers & Ben & Jerry's!). I'm posting the book on bookmooch, though, b/c it's a depressing memoir of someone who was terminally ill. But still! :)

I'll have to remember next year to ask for the day off so I can go do the fun stuff. :)

Oh...I did remember to ask for Harry Potter #7 release day off from work!!!!!

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