Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bookstore Scavenger Hunt & Free Comic Day!

The Ann Arbor Book Festival is coming up on May 19th (or somewhere around there). They had a bookstore crawl last year and this year they have a bookstore scavenger hunt. It's fun. :) I started today and went to 13 places! They aren't all bookstores, but they've all been fun so far. Except Crazy Wisdom (which I usually adore)--the cashier didn't sign my sheet b/c she said she didn't know the answer to the clue and I couldn't figure it out. It was irritating. Everywhere else, the people were nice if I couldn't figure it out. Some even gave hints to help me. It was cool.

One of the bookstores on the list is Vault of Midnight. So, of course I went there! And it was Free Comic Day!!! I totally forgot, so I'm glad I went for another reason. I got three free comics. One by Lynda Barry who wrote the 100 Demons book that I started doing my 100 demons from (see my deviantArt page). Another was by the guy who does Owly! I LOVE Owly! And the third was some multiple artist comic thingy. I haven't read them yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Yay!

Oh, the scavenger hunt. If you visit 15 of the places, you get a "small gift" (which last year was a bag with two books, candy, and magnets in it--and maybe a t-shirt too). If you visit 25 (I think there's 27 total), you get the gift and are entered into a grand prize drawing for gift baskets containing items from the stores you visited at the scavenger hunt. Neat, huh? All for visiting a bunch of cool places? I can do that. :)

I bought a lot of books today too. Which isn't good for my budget, but hey, I say fuck my budget b/c I'm going on vacation. This was part of my vacation. :P

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