Monday, May 5, 2008

Want to know what working in a library is really like?

Read Don Borchert's Free for All! This book was awesome! I could relate to MANY of the stories he told. And it was funny!

Check out my favorite quotes:

"Because there is a belief that once you begin to open books, you will become a better person. It is Pandora's box, but in a good way. You are inching toward the promised land, page by page."

"Support your local library.
Get a library card.
Pay your goddamn fines. Man up for Christ's sake. Be a little responsible."

"Love stories are scarce in the library, and this might have something to do with the fact that we tell people to knock it off and take it outside, which is not a good way for a love story to begin. There are quite a few romantics punching the clock for the library, so in the abstract we are rooting for young lovers, but only in the abstract. We don't want urget fumblings in the adult nonfiction stacks, unzipped jeans, or indiscreet wetness. The janitors will have to bring out their most powerful chemicals and an assortment of disinfectants, and the sharp zip of ammonia will give us all headaches."

And my favorite!:
"I don't understand people who will pay $10 to sit in a movie theater for two hours but hesitate to pay a 25-cent fine for a book that is overdue one day. I do not understand people who will lustily throw $40,000 at the shiny red automobile of their choice, but well up with tears and become outraged when they are asked to pay $5 for a damaged videotape. Either they are fucked up and their priorities are fucked up or I am fucked up and my priorities are fucked up.

Because I am me, I think it is them.

I think a free library is an outrageous perk. I think being able to take out fifty books at a time is an astounding luxury, especially if you've priced hardbound books anytime since the Clinton administration. Go into a public library, fill out an application, and here you go, we'll loan you $1,000 worth of materials. Collateral? Nah--just take them. You're good for it. We'd do it for anybody.

And we would."

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