Monday, May 12, 2008

Riding the train!

I'm officially on vacation. And tomorrow (well, in about 8 1/2 hours), I'm taking the train to Chicago! Woo hoo! I'm so excited to ride the train and have nothing to do but read for 4 1/2 hours. Doesn't that sound so cool? :) And I've got a whole train ride back TOO! And three days to explore in Chicago.

I'm bringing about six books with me. *laughs* In my defense, some of them are YA books that will only take me a couple hours to read. So it's not too outrageous! I swear.

And one of my stops in Chicago (if I can find it) will be Powell's. There's a Powell's in Chicago! I had no idea. I adore Powell's. Yay! And if I can find it too, I'll go to the Chicago Public Library. Oh...books. Didn't I tell you I adore them? I'm such a geek, but that's okay. I like me that way.

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