Sunday, May 25, 2008

The best book title of the day

Someone had it on hold and I had to pull it b/c they didn't pick it up in time. I'm glad b/c otherwise, I probably never would have seen it!

Jesus in Your Backpack by William R. Grimbol

You know, I thought first, "Wow, I didn't know Jesus could fit in a backpack." Then I thought, "Do you feed him in there? Is he like a pet?"

Yes, I know, very wrong. But it made me laugh, which is really a good thing b/c I don't feel much like laughing these days.

And I just looked it up on amazon to get the author name and there's a Buddha in Your Backpack too (by Franz Metcalf). It's just funny. They're books about spirituality for teens. Hee hee.

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