Saturday, February 9, 2008

New books--Now in one convenient post!

I saved up my new books until I had a bunch so that I'm not posting every other day.

Paperbackswapped & bookmooched:
  • Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh #1 by Kouhei Kadono & Kouji Ogata
  • My Paranoid Next Door Neighbor by Kazuka Minami

Both probably destined to be sent back out to be swapped or mooched...

Found cheap at B&N and Borders:

  • Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini
  • To Serve and Submit by Susan Wright

These are actually on my to read list. Sweet!

  • Scouting for Girls: The Original 1920 Girl Scout Handbook by the Girl Scouts, Inc.
  • A Pound of Flesh by Susan Wright

Librarything has this new early reviewers program where you can request advance copies of books to read and review. It's pretty sweet. But there's huge lists for them every month. But I snagged one!

  • Gossip of the Starlings by Nina de Gramont

We'll see how it is. I'll post my review here, if I write one. I'm not so good with my thoughts, least, getting them out coherently.

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