Thursday, August 16, 2007

*kisses to Paperbackswap*

Paperbackswap has been better to me lately than Bookmooch. In some ways, I like it better--you wait in line for books and you're the only one who has the option to request the book when it's your turn in line. But with Bookmooch, everyone gets an email when the book is posted and whoever gets there first gets the book. That sucks b/c I'm NEVER the first to get it. But I'm the only one wanting a book in Bookmooch where I'm not on Paperbackswap for some books. So...I guess it evens out.



  • The Drag King Book Del Lagrace Volcano & Judith "Jack" Halberstam


And b/c it was $0.75 on

  • Pagan Polyamory: Becoming a Tribe of Hearts Raven Kaldera

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