- The Names of Magic by Dylan Horrocks & Richard Case
I can't find this anywhere. So I thought I'd buy it. It was cheap. If it's not good, I can send it off to bookmooch or paperbackswap. *shrugs*
I promise to try not to buy any books in the next month, except those that I get through Vault (b/c they naturally come to me on "subscription"). I may have a couple still on the way from half.com...so those don't count! And I'm going to buy Sensual Phrase #3 so that I can read it and then read the library books that I have (b/c the library hasn't gotten #3 yet), but I plan on returning that when I'm done with it... So that doesn't even count!! I'm going to try my hardest...really. New personal challenge. Can I go a month without buying books?
Maybe I should start September 1st... September is a short month too...
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