Sunday, December 2, 2007

No power :(

My power went off sometime around 3 am. I had hoped that it would've come back on by the time I woke up to go to work, but sadly, it hadn't. Having learned my lesson the last time (around the time HP #7 came out), I called all the necessary people--the electric company, my apartment complex's emergency maintenance. It was supposed to come on around noon.

Let me tell you, no power for more than an hour or so in the winter sucks ass. It was so freaking cold in here. I was freaking out, particularly about my cats. I called in to work. I think the supervisor on duty thought I was crazy (she did say that cats love fuzzy warm blankets and that she thought they'd be okay), but I wasn't about to leave my poor cats alone, especially since the power was off for days last time. I had a contingency plan for what I'd do if the power didn't come back on and the temp in my apartment dropped below 60 degrees (I think it got to about 62).

Needless to say, I got to read a lot today! A lot of it was by candlelight...which was good and bad. It's cool, but my eyes get tired out. The power came back right around 4 pm. Yay! That's why I can post this now.

I'm content with the amount of reading I did today. Yay, me! And the fact that I had a whole blissful (if freezing) day without working.

Also, I gave up on Feminism by June Hannam. It was boring.

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