Monday, December 17, 2007

Maybe when the holidays are over...

...I will stop buying so many books! *snorts* Yeah, right...

Well, while I was buying my brother in law his holiday gift, I got these for myself:
  • Mistral's Kiss by Laurell K. Hamilton
  • Tactics #3 by Sakura Kinoshita & Kazuko Higashiyama

Speaking of holidays... I get a bit of break next week. I'm hoping to get lots of reading done and lots of knitting done. :) I volunteered to work at the library on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's. So, besides working 3 hours on those days, I don't have anything to do, which I think is pretty sweet. I do have a couple family visits to fit in between this Saturday and January 1st, but other than that... It's going to be sweet! Maybe I can use that time to catch up on my manga. That will be my personal challenge: the My Manga Holiday Catch Up Challenge. *laughs* That's a name, isn't it?

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