Friday, October 26, 2007

Oh, yes, more new books

From Vault:
  • Hana-Kimi #20 by Hisaya Nakajo

When the long haired bearded guy handed it to me, I think I said "Oh yay!" Then I laughed and said I'm such a girl, but I love this series. He laughed. :)

From Borders (b/c I'm reading the library copy and I NEEDED my own):

  • Full Frontal Feminism: A Young Woman's Guide to Why Feminism Matters by Jessica Valenti

I adore this book. It cracks me up, but lays all the bad shit out there. I want every one of my students to read it b/c you know what? I think they're all feminists.

From Bookmooch:

  • Sticky Burr: Adventures in Burrwood Forest by John Lechner (uncorrected proof)

It's kinda cool. :) Just the pages all rubberbanded together. NEAT!

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