Saturday, September 1, 2007

Is it really buying a new book?

I forgot to post this yesterday...

I had bought Sensual Phrase #3 b/c that was one of two that hadn't come in from the library and it was holding me up in reading volumes 4-9. I was going to return it and call it done, but then I saw Never Give Up #5 so I just swapped. I did still technically buy it in August!

Here is another problem. I have $5 in Borders bucks to use before the end of September. I'm going to have to buy something... Well...maybe I can limit my book buying to five books in September. I suppose that's more realistic than buying nothing. Remember, I have my subscription manga to worry about from Vault of Midnight too...

Okay, that's my challenge. I will buy 5 books or less during September.

But this here is from August:
  • Never Give Up #5 Hiromu Mutou

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