Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Such lovely quotes by Sabrina Ward Harrison

I've "read" two of her books now, Spilling Open and Messy Thrilling Life. I say "read" because they are mostly art. Quite lovely art. With messy written words, mostly. Very cool.

Now, the quotes:

The thing that I've been noticing about myself is that I don't make it clear what is important to me--because I don't want to lose the connection or seem like I'm too much work to them. But then I become too much work for myself because I'm not being true to myself. It isn't my job to judge what is "too much" for them. My job is to be completely honest and myself and let the other respond honestly with who they are and what feels right to them. I must not shift, after or hide myself in order to experience love--because that's not really love--that's when resentment is born.
--Sabrina Ward Harrison

I'm afraid to show you who I really am, because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it and that's all I've got.
--Sabrina Ward Harrison

our love matters truly.
--Sabrina Ward Harrison

they talk of the power of the "wounded healer"--the one who dares to bare their soul, who feels the pull to do so, to guide others through the twilight to dawn. it is the wounded healer [who] knows the blood of the people, and isn't afraid to show that they too are bleeding. that is their tincture, their medicine. maybe that's what we are. maybe the medicine is in the revealing, the baring of scraped knees and bruised hearts.
--Sabrina Ward Harrison

1 comment:

colette rose said...

i love sabrina ward harrison too - such a beautiful soul