Sunday, March 2, 2008

Piles of new books!

February=obviously uninspired blogging month

Here are my new books that I've let pile up near my computer. Not TOO many, actually...

From Borders b/c of sweet coupons and gift cards:
  • Black Sun Silver Moon #4 by Tomo Maeda
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus volume 3


  • Urgent Message From Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World by Jean Shinoda Bolen

Mysteriously acquired:

  • My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding edited by P.N. Elrod
  • My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon edited by P.N. Elrod

Yay, new books!

PS. I am whittling down my hoarded collection from the library. My hope is to start reading my own books in addition to some from the library soon. Also, it's probably time for another my manga reading challenge...

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