Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sadness...with challenges

I hate it when I don't bring enough to read with me. :( Granted, I did think that I would spend more time doing other things and I did think that the book I brought would not be such a quick read... But still!

Okay, I've got two new challenges for myself:

1) Read some of my OWN books during the winter break from school. That way I can build up paperbackswap points by getting rid of the ones that I'm not absolutely committed to keeping. This should include some of the young adult books I got b/c I had to have them to read ASAP (and still haven't read them months or even over a year later) and some of my manga that I'm still behind on (I had an earlier challenge about this).

2) Reread all the Harry Potter books before the second part of Deathly Hollows comes out (which might be in July 2011?).

Also, I am working on a book project that is related to my counseling. I'm trying to gather some young adult books with supernatural themes that deal with grief issues to provide a bibliotherapy list. I submitted a proposal to a conference to do a presentation on this, but I still haven't heard if it's been accepted. If it doesn't get accepted, I might make it into an article. :)

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