Saturday, November 6, 2010

Library book sale!!!

I went to the Friends of the Library book sale today. We went last year and picked up a lot of books, but they were super expensive (which we didn't realize until we went to pay). This year, the prices were much cheaper--yay!

It's odd, sort of, how things happen. Both my supervisor and one of my professor suggested that I look for this book called Radical Acceptance and wouldn't you know it? There it was at the book sale for $1!

I was also able to get two Serendipity books. One of my personal book challenges is to read all the Serendipity books (well, and the Little Mr. and Little Miss books too).

I got some other books too--a couple that I think are on my to read list. And some fun looking picture books. AND a book for one of my nephews for Christmas.

And I spent less than $11. Go me! ;)

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