Sunday, January 3, 2010

total books read in 2009!

2009 total: 655

174 picture books
145 manga
136 young adult fiction
54 graphic novels
52 youth fiction
44 adult non fiction
33 adult fiction
16 youth non fiction
1 young adult non fiction

Not quite as prolific this year. I'm going to blame that on school. :) My best month was April with 91 books and the worst was October with 26. Let's hope I can beat 655 for 2010! ;)

For comparison, I present 2008, 2007, & 2006! 2007 & 2008 were good years--and clearly, you can see I had no social life. :)

2008 total: 1151
380 manga
233 graphic novels
204 picture books
131 young adult fiction
62 youth fiction
47 adult non fiction
42 comics
31 adult fiction
18 youth non ficiton
3 young adult non fiction

2007 total: 1118

433 manga
269 picture books
158 graphic novels
79 young adult fiction
68 adult non fiction
60 youth fiction
38 adult fiction
10 youth non fiction
2 young adult non fiction
1 zine

2006 total: 263
85 graphic novels
84 manga
34 adult fiction
20 young adult fiction
18 youth fiction
11 picture books
10 adult non fiction

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