Sunday, January 3, 2010

Books from Michigan

By the way, I did find that book, Marked. It was not in a black hole. It was in a place I didn't look because I was SURE that I hadn't even stopped there the night I lost it (i.e., the couch in my parents' basement). My dad found it. :) And I finished the book while I was in Michigan.

A funny library story from while I was in Michigan visiting family. The Grand Haven library, the Loutit District Library has recently been rebuilt. I hadn't been in the new library until I visited this time. A friend of my parents' works there. So, one day, when my dad was home from work, we went to the library after lunch. We wanted to see our friend and my dad hadn't seen the new library.

By the way, the library is beautiful! I wish I lived in Grand Haven again so I could go there all the time. :)

Our friend wasn't back from lunch yet, so I made my dad wander with me. And of course, I found some interesting books I wanted to read! I asked my dad if he had a library card and he said no. So I asked him to go get one so I could get some books out! I had read through nearly all of the books I had brought with me. And I found some really awesome doggie art type books (These Were Our Dogs and Lost). My dad, who is the awesomest, went and got a library card. :) Isn't that funny?

So, that was my Michigan vacation. Well, that and the three days I spent in airports because my flights kept getting delayed. I read a lot.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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