Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cheap books & hoarding

Yeah, super cheap silly YA books from Borders:
  • The Scarlet Lettreman by Cara Lockwood
  • Wuthering High by Cara Lockwood

And...I seem to be hoarding library books again. I was doing so good. I was keeping my checked out items around 30 (which includes DVDs and CDs). Now, I'm gathering books again. I need to just read the stuff I have. Of course, I always end up coming home with picture books and manga, which I read first b/c I can read it fast, but then the books I have get neglected (as evidenced by the fact that my currently reading list has not changed for over a week). :( I need a job where all I have to do is read books. That'd be sweet...

Ah...I'm having visions of my own bookstore again. *sighs* Dreams...

If I'm trying to do NaNoWriMo, it's not a good time to be hoarding and collecting more books. If all goes well, I won't have much time to read. But...well, it's not going so great. I doubt I'll make it to 50,000 words this year either. I think I did about 20,000 last year. I'll be happy if I can make it to 20,000 again.

I better get busy...

1 comment:

shoomooee said...

well have you tried ebay? In particular an ebay store called Murder and Mayhem Books. They have great new and secondhand crime books that are really fantastic value. I've bought a few and they're terrific to deal with and the books looked like they'd hardly been read!.
You should check them out!