Sunday, January 4, 2009

I did it!

My personal challenge for my vacation was to finish reading Inkdeath, Evil Genius, Full Frontal Feminism, and Breaking Dawn.

Challenge accomplished. :)

I'm especially glad to have finished Full Frontal Feminism because I had been "reading" it for over a year. It was a great book, I just set it down and got distracted by other things (from the library, of course). And I'm glad I finished Breaking Dawn. I was delaying because I was unhappy with how the book was progressing.

Yay, me!

It's the last day of my vacation, so I'll have to see what I can finish today, then update on my vacation challenge (to see how many books I could read on vacation). I think I had an unfair advantage in that my power was off, but's not like I'm really competing against anyone. :)

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