Okay, first of all, how can you go wrong with a book about roller derby? Okay, yes,
Derby Girl is a little cheesy, but it's funny as hell and lots of fun. And did I mention roller derby? I need to go...I think they have a league in Detroit...hmmm... :)
"Just the thought of Oliver has my bra practically undoing itself."
[Ha! I've had thoughts like that...]
"In an effort to avoid any spontaneous slutting out, I give myself a stern look in the mirror. "You can make out with him, but
that's it," I tell my boy-crazed reflection."
[And I've had conversations with myself like that!]
"Sometimes I feel like I'm just a supporting player in the movie starring Brooke. The script was written way before I showed up, and anything I do that deviates from the story just gets ignored."
[Brooke being Bliss's (Bliss the main character) mother--and I felt that way about my mom!]
"I am so fucked. I am fucked with whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry on top."
[Okay, that's just funny.]
All quotes from
Derby Girl by Shauna Cross