Saturday, March 29, 2014

page 42

You know those little memes (or whatever they are) that go around every once in awhile on Facebook where they ask you to report the first full sentence on a certain page of the closest book to you?  I love those things!  I find them so much fun.

So I thought...why not do it in my blog for the books that I'm reading?  That sounds like lots of geeky fun to me! :)  I'm going to do it!  I won't post every day, but I'll do it every once in awhile.  Here's the first installment!

I will look at the first full sentence on page 42.

"The truck fishtailed on the thankfully empty gravel parking area as I slammed on the brakes, bringing us to a shuddering halt."
--from Cupid Cats by Katie MacAlister, Vicki Lewis Thompson, & Connie Brockway

"By the time I drag myself down to breakfast--feeling as though someone is grinding sand into both of my eyes--the official story about the incident at the labs has been released."
--from Delirium by Lauren Oliver

"I only passed by a few points and my parents gave me a big lecture when I got my scores back."
--from The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett by Tom Angleberger

""Why don't you just tell me that you had a suspicion something was wrong and went out to patrol under your own initiative?""
--from Kitty in the Underworld by Carrie Vaughn

See?  Isn't this fun?

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