Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 book summary

My Goodreads 2013 challenge was 750 books and I more than made it. :)

2013 total: 970

I was so close to 1000!  Here's the breakdown by category...

520 picture books
132 graphic novels
81 adult fiction
65 young adult fiction
58 youth fiction
50 adult non fiction
23 comics
21 manga
19 youth non fiction
1 young adult non fiction 

for comparison, my 2012 totals.

2012 total: 834

369 picture books
100 graphic novels
72 adult non fiction
71 young adult fiction
68 youth fiction
66 adult fiction
48 manga
22 comics
18 youth non fiction

I decided to do 750 again for my Goodreads 2014 challenge.

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