Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 book summary!

I met my Goodreads book challenge for this year (650, I think)!  Woo hoo!  But now, for my 2012 summary...

2012 total: 834

and the breakdown...

369 picture books
100 graphic novels
72 adult non fiction
71 young adult fiction
68 youth fiction
66 adult fiction
48 manga
22 comics
18 youth non fiction

as a comparison, the 2011 counts...

2011 book total: 703

242 picture books
117 adult non fiction
91 graphic novels
81 young adult fiction
66 adult fiction
44 youth fiction
30 manga
24 youth non fiction
6 comics
2 young adult non fiction


Unknown said...

Thanks for reading my book, among all those!

Unknown said...

Thanks for reading my book, among all those!