Saturday, January 1, 2011

book summary for 2010!

2010 book total: 498

123 young adult fiction
121 picture books
100 adult non fiction
50 graphic novels
44 youth fiction
35 adult fiction
16 manga
7 young adult non fiction
2 youth non fiction

and for comparison...

2009 total: 655

174 picture books
145 manga
136 young adult fiction
54 graphic novels
52 youth fiction
44 adult non fiction
33 adult fiction
16 youth non fiction
1 young adult non fiction

2008 total: 1151
2007 total: 1118
2006 total: 263

What I find interesting about this year is that I read so much non fiction, particularly adult non fiction. I guess that's a result of my regular browsing of the library new book section. :)

Someday, I hope to get back over 1000 books again. I will! After school is over. :)

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