Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sookie Stackhouse!

Okay, so I never got into the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. I read the first one and was like "Eh. Okay." and never read any more. But I liked some of her other books. And then I got the first season of True Blood from Best Buy for $15. And I watched it. And it was awesome. So I decided to give Charlaine Harris and Sookie Stackhouse another try...

I got the first book from the library and read it in a couple days. But they didn't have the second one! So I bought it from the used bookstore. And then I remembered that our departmental secretary, Alma, loves the series. And I remembered seeing all the books in her office. So I visited her yesterday and she loaned them all (except the very new one) to me!

She sort of issued a challenge for me. She said she was sure that I would have them all read by the end of break. I have that to aspire to! But I'm still trying to get to my reading my own books challenge...if only there weren't so many interesting books at the library!!

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