Thursday, August 5, 2010

ReadaThing Readathon!

My library is on LibraryThing. I never really got into any of the groups because, quite honestly, I wasn't interested in what other people had to say about books so much. I like to make my own decisions and such. But one day, I saw a blurb about the ReadaThing group and I looked it up. They do Readathons! How cool.

So, I just signed up for the August Readathon! It's on August 22nd and they were scheduling people so that someone (or several someones) around the world is reading for every hour of that day. I signed up for 12:00 am & 1:00 am EST (which is actually 10 & 11 pm the day before for me here in MST). But that's cool.

The theme is Reading in Public. I think I'll head out to the local Denny's and read for two hours on that day. :) I even have a sign to print out for it. FUN!

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