Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So little pleasure reading...

Ahh...October was a sparse reading month. :( The evils of being in graduate school! Oh, so it's not evil, but...it leaves little time for reading whole books for pleasure.

And out of those 26 books in October, 2 were for a class!

I'm anticipating that November might be a bit better, reading-wise. I do have Thanksgiving Break coming up, after all. Of course, I also have 4 big papers (one for each class!) that will be due shortly after Thanksgiving Break... But I'm hoping to get some reading done. Or at least a big batch of picture books!

If November fails to be fruitful, there's always December. :) And the big winter break between semesters!

I have found some good book quotes in my various class reading. I should post those! I'll try. :)

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